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Win a £500 FOREO skincare bundle

A FOREO bundle

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Start and enjoy your own at-home spa treatment with a FOREO bundle worth £500 - a potent tech fusion of KIWI™ derma’s diamond microabrasion and UFO™ 3 LED’s near-infrared (NIR) therapy to heal on a cellular level – for a clinically-backed deep rejuvenation.

Committed to delivering exceptional skincare solutions, FOREO simplified the beauty routine to minimal products for maximum results, leaving you with a complexion that looks fresh, refined, and younger.

UFO™ 3 LED deep facial hydration device is clinically proven to reduce wrinkles in just 1 week and to increase skin moisture levels by 126% in just 2 minutes. Combined with UFO™ activated masks, UFO™ 3 LED deeply hydrates your skin, while treating signs of aging.

For an instantly radiant, healthy-looking complexion, combine UFO™ 3 LED with KIWI™ derma diamond microdermabrasion pore vacuum device that exfoliates the dead surface skin layer, reversing signs of scarring, pigmentation, and signs of aging, improving texture, tone and wrinkles. KIWI™ derma uses 3 precise medical-grade steel and Adamas diamond microdermabrasion tips, each targeting different areas with increased precision.

These carefully selected products are some of FOREO’s latest launches and used together they make an efficient rejuvenate & repair treatment.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 06/06/2024.


A FOREO bundle x1